Latest News

Etsy Shop Now Open!

Soooo Excited! Today I've finally opened my Etsy shop JayPeaStudio.  I've uploaded my new bright, spring collection of original paintings and...

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The Master

Putting finishing touches to Master Chief. I've worked into it with promarkers as struggled to get the darks in coloured pencil. My black coloured...

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Something Different 

I love the challenges that come with a commission. It often pushes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to try something new.  Scary as...

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Make time for ‘Messy Time’

'Don't touch!', 'those are mammy's pencils', 'mammy is working' are all things I often hear myself saying to the little hands reaching and eager to...

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Keeping Motivated!

We are half way through January and I can feel the strain of keeping the 'changes' going. Positive thinking and positive actions are the only way we...

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Drawing Cherries 🍒 

Today I have spent a couple of hours adding extra detail to the little Bluebird. I love it when I get to this stage as the coloured pencil really...

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Happy Little Bluebirds!

Hello,  My first collection of fine art for my etsy shop is incorporating my favourite bird...the Bluebird!  From 'Zip-a-dee-Doo-da' to...

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Patterned Castles

Trying out a new style. I want to combine my love of pattern within my painting. I have chosen a pattern style to suit the period of the castle. I...

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